标题:《苹果Pro系列产品将在iPhone 14发布会上抢尽风头》

虽然iPhone 14看起来比iPhone 13的渐进式调整更大,但最大的变化将留给两款Pro机型

Apple's biggest event of the year is just a few days away, with the company set to unveil its latest flagship product, the iPhone 14. But if you're looking for the most Significant updates, keep an eye on the Pro lines.

距离苹果公司今年最大的事件只有几天了,该公司将推出最新的旗舰产品iPhone 14。但如果你正在寻找最重要的更新,请关注Pro系列。

While the iPhone 14 looks set for a bigger revamp than the incremental tweaks on the iPhone 13, the biggest changes will be reserved for the two Pro models. It's a similar theme for the company's new high-end Apple Watch and upgraded AirPods Pro earbuds.

虽然iPhone 14看起来比iPhone 13的渐进式调整更大,但最大的变化将留给两款Pro机型。苹果公司最新推出的高端Apple Watch和升级后的AirPods Pro耳机也采用了类似的风格。


Steal the show 抢出风头

Set to 开始;准备

Flagship 旗舰

Significant 重要的;关键的

Revamp 修改;翻新

Incremental 渐进的;递增的

Tweak 微调

Reserved 保留的

High-end 高端的

Top comments:网友热评:

@danzdanzzz : "Biggest Changes" that's what they always say, let's see...

@danzdanzzz : “最大的改变”这是他们每回都要说的,让我们拭目以待...

@anamazngnamealreadytaken : Different year same shit

@anamazngnamealreadytaken : 不同的一年,同样的垃圾

@addicted2iron4life : Buy stock?

@addicted2iron4life : 要买股票吗?


现在我们对手机的多功能的需求似乎越来越难有突进增长了,用来用去也就那几个软件。从iPhone 4到iPhone 14,苹果公司的颠覆式崛起已经10年,往后再出来的革新,会有10年前那样的爆炸效应吗?手机科技的发展未来会去往什么方向?

Sammi's murmur:

Now it seems that it is more and more difficult for us to have a sudden increase of demand for the multi-function of mobile phones, all we need daily are those same Apps. It has been 10 years since Apple's game-changing rise from iPhone 4 to iPhone 14. Will the innovation in the future have the same effect as explosive as 10 years ago? Where will the mobile technology be heading for in the future?